Are all patients adjusted the same way?

Nope! The doctor will evaluate your unique spinal problem and create a course of care, just for you. The doctors’ recommendations are based off experience and training. Each patient’s care is uniquely different, to fit your specific needs.

I have government issued insurance (Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare etc.), can I use the promotional offer?

We are so happy that you’re interested in chiropractic! Many patients have chiropractic coverage through their government insurance. Unfortunately, we’re unable to extend the promotional offer to patients with government insurance. We strongly recommend coming in to see the office and speak with our doctors via our free consultation appointment to see what kind of coverage you have and how much an evaluation would cost. Call us at (918) 366-7100 to schedule your appointment!

What insurances do you accept?

 Specifics can vary, and available coverage can change from plan to plan, which is why we check your insurance during your initial visits. By doing this before you start care, we will know exactly what your insurance will cover and what your out-of-pocket costs may be, if you are to have any.

I’ve had back surgery. Can I still receive chiropractic care?

Absolutely! It’s been found that more than half of those who have had surgery on the spine have the same symptoms return years or even months later. Then there is a further possibility of another surgery. This occurrence is commonly referred to as “failed back surgery syndrome.” Chiropractic can help avoid repeated back surgeries. If chiropractic care is used in the first place, back surgery can often be avoided.

Can I adjust myself?

No. A chiropractic adjustment is very specific. It’s applied in a certain direction to a certain joint in a very specific manner. It is not safe to try to adjust oneself and would be nearly impossible to do so correctly and accurately. Most people can turn, bend or twist in certain ways, causing a “popping” sound that can sometimes accompany a chiropractic adjustment. This type of manipulation is usually, unfortunately, counterproductive, often making the spine even more unstable than before, and could be dangerous.

Is chiropractic care safe for children?

Spinal trauma commonly occurs at birth. It is not uncommon for parents to have their newborns checked for a subluxation. Since babies and children’s bodies are not fully developed, adjusting procedures are adapted for a child’s spine. Childhood traumas that are brushed off can often be traced to spinal issues later in life. Health problems in adulthood can often be avoided by having your child’s spine checked by a chiropractor. Parents often report that their children enjoy chiropractic care and are usually healthier than other children.

Is chiropractic care suitable for all health problems?

No. Chiropractic care is successful with a variety of health problems outside of spinal issues though, because it can improve the function of the nervous system. When the communication between the brain and nervous system are functioning properly, our body’s natural healing ability can improve all sorts of health problems.

Is Chiropractic safe?

Yes! Chiropractic is a natural and conservative approach to health that avoids addictive drugs or invasive procedures. If you compare malpractice rates between chiropractors and other healthcare professionals, you will find that chiropractors’ premiums are much lower.

Is working out the same as an adjustment?

Nope. Exercising is very important, and can ensure good health, but without proper spinal alignment, a workout can put additional wear and tear on the spine, causing further damage.

Is chiropractic care safe for pregnant women?

Pregnant women often find that getting adjusted helps with pregnancy discomforts, such as sciatica, and can make delivery easier on their body and their baby. Certain techniques are often used to help position the baby for delivery. Chiropractic adjusting is always adapted to the patient’s size, age, weight and condition.

What is the “pop” I hear when I get an adjustment?

Adjustments do not always produce a sound. However, adjustments can create a sound often referred to as a “pop”. This is caused by gas filling the partial vacuum like suction created when joints are separated. This sound is totally harmless and virtually painless.

What is a chiropractic adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment is using a particular force in a specific direction, applied to a joint that is misaligned, subluxated, or simply not moving properly. This is a safe and natural procedure to get rid of interference from the nervous system to the brain, improving spinal function and overall general health.

What is chiropractic care?

It’s a natural form of healthcare that focuses on treating the actual problem, not just the symptoms. Chiropractic care is based on a basic, yet powerful idea. With a properly functioning spine and healthy nervous system, your body can heal itself. Your spine is the housing of your nervous system. It controls all function throughout your body.

Is there a difference between a chiropractor and an osteopath?

Chiropractic care is based on the correction, and prevention of vertebral subluxations or spinal misalignments. We use spinal adjustments to correct the spine, to encourage the proper function of the nervous system and reduce nerve interference. Osteopaths use other methods like traditional medical therapies, drugs, and surgeries and only use manipulative procedures on occasion.

What kind of education do chiropractic doctors receive?

Chiropractors are well educated. Chiropractic schooling and medical schooling are similar in many areas but differ in others. Chiropractors do not prescribe drugs or perform surgeries, and medical doctors do not correct vertebral subluxations. After graduating with a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree, every student passes the four-part National Board Examinations, which is not an easy feat. Then, each doctor applies to a licensing board and must pass a more difficult test before being allowed to practice. However, a chiropractor’s education never ends. Most chiropractors complete regular continuing education for license renewal and to keep up with the current and latest research and techniques for adjustments.

5085 E 151st Street S., Suite B Bixby, OK 74008

(918) 366 7100

Office Hours 
Monday-Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00,  3:00 – 6:00
Thursday 9:00 – 12:00, 4:00 – 7:00
Friday 8:00 – 10:00